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The Mysterious "User Provider"

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Let's see that error again: change intercept_redirects back to false:

49 lines | app/config/config_dev.yml
// ... lines 1 - 12
// ... line 14
intercept_redirects: false
// ... lines 16 - 49

Refresh and re-post the form. Oof, there it is again:

There is no user provider for user AppBundle\Entity\User.

What the heck is a user provider and why do we need one?

What is a User Provider?

A user provider is one of the most misunderstood parts of Symfony's security. It's an object that does just a few small jobs for you. For example, the user provider is responsible for loading the User from the session and making sure that it's up to date. In Doctrine, we'll want our's to re-query for a fresh User object to make sure all the data is still up-to-date.

The user provider is also responsible for a few other minor things, like handling "remember me" functionality and a really cool feature we'll talk about later called "impersonation".

Long story short: you need a user provider, but it's not all that important. And if you're using Doctrine, it's super easy to setup.

Setting up the Entity User Provider

In security.yml, you already have a providers section - as in "user providers". Delete the in_memory stuff and replace it with our_users: that's a totally meaningless machine name - it could be anything. But below that, say entity and set it to { class: AppBundle\Entity\User, property: email }:

28 lines | app/config/security.yml
// ... lines 1 - 2
entity: { class: AppBundle\Entity\User, property: email }
// ... lines 9 - 28

The property part is not something we care about right now, but we will use and talk about it later.

But yea, that's it! Go back to /login. Right now, I am not logged in. But try logging in again.

It's alive!!! We can finally surf around the site and stay logged in. Cool.

Custom User Provider

In your app, if you're not loading users from the database, then you'll need to create a custom user provider class that implements UserProviderInterface. Check out the official docs in this case. But if you have any questions, let me know.